
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Making Diabetes Music

In my personal time I spend a lot of time listening to and playing music. I love the way that music has the ability to capture our attention, change our mood and outlook, and inspire and motivate us in a way that is unmatched by many other mediums.

We want your experience with My Diabetes Concierge to be like listening to a song. Spend a few minutes getting your myDC fix and we want to leave you with that good feeling that your favorite song leaves you with for the rest of your day. Diabetes can be simple, can flow with your life, and can be easy with the right help.

We're here...making diabetes music everyday...come check us out! MyDiabetesConcierge.com

Daniel :)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Good is simply not good enough

I want to send out a sincere thank you to everyone eagerly awaiting the unveiling of our new site and services here at My Diabetes Concierge. Truth is...we could have launched the site already but being the perfectionists that we are "good" is simply not good enough for our clients. We want our site to be the best. We will be launching the website a few months before the app goes live to begin to answer your calls for a revolution in diabetes care. Thanks again everyone and see you all soon! -Daniel

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Paying Tribute to an Inspiration

Steve Jobs was a major inspiration behind our work here at My Diabetes Concierge. And with the news of his passing, we are reminded of the way he has inspired us to stick to our guns through trials and tribulations, keep our vision intact and follow our hearts unconditionally even when our position is unpopular. We are reminded of the importance of striving for excellence in all that we do, and providing our customers with the best product and services possible at a reasonable price.

Thank you to Steve Jobs for inspiring everything that we do here at My Diabetes Concierge, he was truly the Thomas Edison of our time and he will be missed by us all.